Invisalign® in Aurora, CO
Invisalign®️ refers to clear plastic retainers that are becoming increasingly popular with adolescents and teens.
Children and the Idea of Braces
Every child responds differently to the idea of wearing braces. Some are very comfortable with it or even excited that they’re about to become teenagers. Others are self-conscious and worry about how it will make them appear.
Adolescence is the time when children begin to discover themselves, and as parents, we should give all the help we can. Invisalign®️ has been designed with the needs of adolescents and teenagers in mind. Misaligned, overlapping, or crooked teeth can spoil your child’s appearance and affect his or her self-confidence.
Spruce Canyon Family Dentistry explains why your children need braces and signs that could indicate that your child needs dental assistance. Visit your dentist near you for more information on Invisalign®️ and how they can help your child.
Why Children Need Braces
Children may need braces for a number of reasons, including overbite, underbite or crossbite, overlapping, or crooked teeth. Sometimes, baby teeth may be lost due to childhood accidents or thumb-sucking, and the teeth may become misaligned.
Your dentist at Spruce Canyon Family Dentistry is usually the first one who may notice your child’s crooked or misaligned teeth. He or she may recommend seeing an orthodontist. An orthodontist is a dentist who specializes in problems relating to jaw or teeth misalignment.
The dentist in Aurora, CO will suggest the best way to correct your child’s teeth, including the most suitable type of braces. There is no set age for children to get braces. For example, some may get them at the age of 8, while others may get them during their teenage years. Ideally, we suggest seeing an orthodontist when your child starts to get his or her permanent teeth.
However, seeing the orthodontist earlier doesn’t mean the child will get braces immediately. Your dentist will examine the oral cavity and suggest the best time to get Invisalign®️.
Visit our dentist near you for more information on the costs and benefits of different types of braces. Contact Spruce Canyon Family Dentistry in Aurora, CO for Invisalign®️ near you.